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The Cost-Effectiveness of Outbreak Responses: Considerations in the COVID-19 Era
April 06, 2020
The drumbeat of advice seems constant: countries must focus all efforts on suppressing the current COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, regardless of expense or impact on the broader economy. But no country, no matter how wealthy, has unlimited resources to throw at this crisis.
Blog Post
Medicines for Rare Conditions: The Global Effects of Steep US Prices
May 23, 2019
Despite their intended use for rare diseases, so-called orphan drugs contribute substantially to prescription drug spending; in fact, it is estimated that in just two years’ time, orphan drugs will constitute more than 20 percent of the market for global pharmaceutical sales. Nowhere is t...
Aggregating Demand for Pharmaceuticals is Appealing, but Pooling Is Not a Panacea
May 01, 2019
As low- and middle-income countries shift away from donor support, their challenge will be finding a way to aggregate demand in order to achieve the benefits that the pooled purchasing arrangements of vertical health programs now provide. As a first step in tackling this challenge, much can be learn...
Blog Post
The Right Tools for the Job: When to Use CEA and When to Use BCA for Evaluating Health Policies
February 04, 2019
As countries strive to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, including attaining and sustaining universal health coverage, decision-makers are increasingly using economic evaluation to drive macro policy choices and more granular technology-focused decisions. In a recent study, we discuss ...
Blog Post
More Results for the Money: Cash Benchmarking at USAID
September 13, 2018
Today, USAID took a big step forward on a new effort that could make a real difference to the agency’s impact and cost-effectiveness.
Committing to Cost-Effectiveness: USAID's New Effort to Benchmark for Greater Impact
September 13, 2018
Are USAID programs high impact and good value for money? Do they work? Do they generate more results for less cost than if the agency just gave poor people cash? We don’t always know the answers to those questions, but USAID is trying to find out.
Perspective in Economic Evaluations of Healthcare Interventions in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: One Size Does Not Fit All
March 09, 2018
As developing nations are increasingly adopting economic evaluation as a means of informing their own investment decisions, new questions emerge. The right answer to the question “which perspective?” is the one tailored to these local specifics. We conclude that there is no one-size-fits-all an...