Creating a Multilateral Wealth Fund for a Global Public Good: Proposed Governance Arrangements for a Tropical Forest Finance Facility

Patricia Bliss-Guest
Michael Wolosin
June 14, 2018

The Tropical Forest Finance Facility is a proposal to establish a pay-for-performance mechanism to finance reduced deforestation of tropical forests. The overarching goal of the Tropical Forest Financing Facility (TFFF) would be to slow and reverse tropical deforestation. The TFFF would support the development, environmental and global benefits that reducing deforestation and protecting tropical forests can ensure. The facility would be akin to a multilateral sovereign wealth fund whose investment returns, above the rate of return to funders on the initial investments, would be used to reward tropical forest countries for their performance in reducing, and eventually halting, deforestation. The TFFF would mobilize significant low cost resources that can be invested in private markets to generate substantial financial returns, above the cost of funds. Performance would be measured using satellite monitoring data against a benchmark, specified in advance by investors who are funding the global offer. It would build on major technology breakthroughs for measuring results. The proposal would maximize the efficient use of public credit and not rely on overseas development assistance.

This paper outlines the proposed governance arrangements for the TFFF. The performance payments would be allocated as part of a global offer, available to all countries with extensive tropical forests that meet the performance standards.

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