


2:30—4:00 PM
Urban Institute
2100 M St NW
5th Floor
Washington, DC 20037

Technology and the City: Routes to Women’s Economic Empowerment

This event will be held at Urban Institute and features CGD expert Mayra Buvinic.

Women’s economic empowerment is critical for achieving women’s rights and gender equality, poverty reduction, and economic growth. Yet urban spaces pose significant barriers to progress, including limited mobility, safety risks, and lack of information and networks to access better economic opportunities. Increasingly, technology-based solutions are being developed to overcome these challenges, which can have particularly significant benefits in the Global South.

What would a 21st-century city that enables women’s economic empowerment look like? What helps or hinders technology’s potential to advance progress? How can women’s control and decisionmaking over the technologies best suited to their needs be supported, including women most at risk of being left behind by technological development?

The Urban Institute, in collaboration with the Overseas Development Institute and the International Development Research Centre, invites you to a discussion on the opportunities and challenges posed by technology. We will consider the roles of diverse stakeholders (e.g., policymakers, technology developers, and women’s groups) in ensuring that technology supports urban women’s economic empowerment. 

Mayra Buvinic, senior fellow, Center for Global Development and the United Nations Foundation

Abigail Hunt, senior research officer, Overseas Development Institute, United Kingdom

Yasemin Irvin-Erickson, senior research associate, Urban Institute, United States

Madiha Ahmed, senior program specialist, social and economic policy, International Development Research Centre, Canada (moderator)

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