African Development: Making Sense of the Issues and Actors

March 05, 2007

Second edition, 2011

In the ongoing battle against global poverty, African countries continue to present the greatest challenge. CGD senior fellow Todd Moss' new book African Development offers a comprehensive yet highly accessible introduction to the issues, actors and institutions interacting across the diverse continent. Moss's book covers each of the major economic and political themes, with each chapter organized around three fundamental questions: Where are we now? How did we get to this point? What are the current debates?

"This compulsively readable and accessible book is a masterpiece of clear thinking, comprehensiveness, balance, insight, and humor. It will meet the needs of all those who want to know more about Africa's mixture of disappointment and promise."

-William Easterly, New York University and the Center for Global Development

"This new book fills a large and long-standing gap in the study of African development. It is also well written, and in a language that evokes powerful images and brings the material to life...Moss skillfully discusses all of the major topics and debates in the field."

—Gina Lambright, George Washington University

"An excellent and much-needed volume that brilliantly manages to make complex issues clear. … Balanced and honest, it will help students distinguish between the hype, the myths, and the realities of many topics of concern to Africans and Africanists."

—Pierre Englebert, Pomona College

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