National Development Banks with Stephany Griffith-Jones – CGD Podcast

January 29, 2019

Many believe that the key to funding the Sustainable Development Goals is unlocking private funding and government resources to achieve "billions to trillions"—that is, to turn billions of dollars into trillions to help alleviate poverty around the world.

Development banks are playing a big role in this—but how well are they doing, and how can they improve?

That's the subject of the recent book The Future of National Development Banks by economist Stephany Griffith-Jones, cowritten with José Antonio Ocampo. The book draws insights from five case studies from Latin America, as well as the two largest national development banks, in China and Germany. 

In this episode of the CGD Podcast, Stephany Griffith-Jones speaks with CGD president Masood Ahmed about the role that development banks can play in innovation, how they should interact with private actors and governments, and what new institutions can learn from their predecessors.


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