The International Development Finance Club with Scott Morris – CGD Podcast

December 12, 2018

Earlier this year, CGD’s Scott Morris conducted a six-month survey of the 24 members of the International Development Finance Club (IDFC) to determine how equipped they are to meet the sustainable development goals. The preliminary results are available in his recent paper, and demonstrate the clear value of organizations like the IDFC. 

In the paper, Scott argues that the IDFC members collectively have more than twice the amount of resources the MDBs have, and are well-placed to meet key SDG requirements, like nationally-led development strategies and significant private investment. 

But, he tells me in this episode of the CGD Podcast, “the ambitions of the club itself aren’t fully realized by any stretch”: 

Check out the podcast to learn more about how IDFC institutions could increase their development impact, and, in light of the passage of the BUILD act earlier this year, how the new US Development Finance Corporation can get off to a good start. 


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