CGD in the News

How Significant Were the Pledges at the London Family Planning Summit? (Devex)

July 26, 2017

From the article:

Advocates have welcomed the news that an estimated $5 billion was pledged to improve and expand reproductive health services in developing countries at the London Family Planning Summit earlier this month — double the figure cited in initial reports — but say it still falls far short of the sums needed, and that better monitoring systems are required to ensure the commitments materialize...

Rachel Silverman, assistant director of global health policy at the Washington, D.C.- based Center for Global Development, also applauded “notable” commitments from India, which committed to spend an additional $1 billion by 2020 and increase modern contraceptive usage from 53.1 percent  to 54.3 percent, and satisfy 74 percent of the demand by 2020.

“We see three countries making up the bulk of the $4 billion — that’s great for those countries but it skews the [perception of] overall momentum,” she said.

Read full article here.